something like a letdown after the big public events of the last few weeks: first HOWL@50, then t-giving, then the Translating Translation event, where Masha Z and Christophe Wall-R knocked my socks off with their wit, erudition, and thoughtfulness; these events are charmed in their own way, suspended in a glow of aliveness, and give me an energy boost, though they take a great deal of energy to prepare for as well. So i spoze it's "only natural" to feel a dip in the daily mood barometer afterwards...went to the café but couldn't concentrate, then got a haircut to have someone fuss over me for half an hour. it was very nice, he was a nice, non-irritating person, not fatuous or intrusive. and i really did need to get a haircut, first wrote hair cult, which my family actually was; my older sister has never cut her hair, which is down to her knees, quite thin now, with age i guess. So's mine. But i cut mine. my mother too, her hair is long, she cut it once, in her twenties, and says she felt "like a circus horse." She's 90 and still wears her hair up in a bun. i must be writing about hair to not write about the exhaustion and slight emptiness of end-of-semester more week of classes, a bunch of prelims and dissertation defenses, and meetings...