Whose fatuous musings riddle these unreal pages? (I hope we will do quite well together, a big fish and a small one in a babbling aquarium on the second floor of a rural post office here in the heartland. ) An adventure in public writing, with a shrieking parrot in the soundscape, this blog is launched with an inspiration of walking, writing and syllabic composition at Dreamtime Village, West Lima Wisconsin. Or was that syllabic competition? Elva, Ezra, Ervin and Ephraim are the names of the Amish guys on the farm next door, a festival of "Old Testament" E-nomenclothing.
By the time the words are formulated they're old hat. Whom can i count on to read me?
Go, little blog, envoid into it, make your mark on the formless ether of ideas.
By the time the words are formulated they're old hat. Whom can i count on to read me?
Go, little blog, envoid into it, make your mark on the formless ether of ideas.
At 12:56 PM,
Shimmy said…
A blog crouched behind the plants, yogurt left in the dish, ghost of a mouse, dead leaf crackling in my mouth, the rustle of mint-tang dental floss along the rug, the (E)lito hearings in e-nomenclothing as the Ebenezer of the holidays, the aquarium babbling back and forth like Ezekiel's chariot, wheels full of eyes round about them. You're lucky for the fish and parrots.
At 1:10 PM,
Sheila Murphy said…
What a pleasure to behold and thus be held by this!
At 1:26 PM,
Phanero Noemikon said…
deposit your vorticiples,
drag your N-stylus
before the technogastric
Ummm of the dromos-litter
carried by slave processors,
this petit clio-petri..
At 1:39 PM,
Peter Ciccariello said…
Anxiously waiting.
At 4:49 PM,
lau-ra said…
speaking of shrieking parrots, recently viewed citizen kane. one of the scenes inexplicably opens with one. what is it about the sound of a parrot that provokes a response? animal language and human language, there is an indecipherable space between the two.
At 8:51 AM,
mairead said…
Welcome to the blogosphere Maria. Let's have a font of syllabub sometime. Soon! Rock on!
At 7:20 AM,
Nick Piombino said…
Welcome to the mad hatter's tea party.
Oh, now I'm late! I'm late!
At 12:56 PM,
hyperpoesia said…
is this how i post to mine own blog? i'll try this; i've been unable to access it from my home computer, which saves me from excessive self-disclosure i imagine...i've been wondering if there will be a "focus" to this blog; i'm afraid those who want pithy aperçus about contemporary poetry might be disappointed, b/c what i find myself most drawn toward is ambivalence itself: is it an exercise in grandiosity to even begin a blog? my ideal would be to write like pessoa in his book of disquietude; the humble musings of a daily drudge who nonetheless rises to something beyond himself. i'm much heartened by the welcomes i've gotten from people i am fond of here: miekal, sheila murphy, nick p, mairead and folks i don't even know, and stephen vincent. some of these folks are connected to me by, literally, threads, or the memory of threads, in that i have embroidered stuff for them. soon i'll figure out how to post links to my x-stitch poems. try this: and see what happens.
At 7:16 PM,
Tim Peterson said…
What a tremendously exciting occurrence. Now we get to see one of my fave contemporary critics engaged in the crazed stop-action photography of blogging media...
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